
Thursday, October 24, 2013

all you need is love

Wednesday afternoons spent with Adobe Illustrator.
With the ocassional McDonald's meal inbetween. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

hearts for niall

Things Niall Horan and I have in common:

1. Good taste in clothing. 

This was completely unintentional. That's just how fly I am.
His style. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

sleepovers & pony hair

This weekend consisted of 5 movies back-to-back, an army of hair supplies and coffee jelly with vanilla ice cream for dessert. Some school friends came over after class for some bonding, and Elle and I became overnight beauticians. Colored hair seems to be catching fire nowadays and it really saves your b-bucks when you can do a P1500 job for under P200. 

If you want to give a home bleaching job a try check this tutorial for starters. The platinum just kills me. 

I was looking through my photographs and decided to do a quick photo recount of my past hair colors.

I'm very excited to place an order for some LaRiche Directions colors. The Lilac and Alpine green will definitely be on my list. 
And if you are loving these pixelized people half as much as I am; head on over to MakePixelArt
Disclaimer: It's addictive. I've done more than is good for me already. 

In other news, Dave and I both have white kicks now. 

Don't forget to end the evening with second servings of this monster:

(The color pallets at the Color Collective love your right click save as button.